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<% End If %>
NOTE: The cost for this service is $<%=Session("PRICE_Listing")%> per year. You must be a business located on or near Route 66, or directly related to Route 66, to be listed in our searchable database. Please fill out this form completely and click the Sign Up button to continue. Your valid email address is required to complete the business listing registration process. After you fill out this form, you will be directed to PayPal to make your payment and complete your registration. If you wish to pay by another method, visit the contact page and send us a request.
Route 66 Search
Route 66 Search is the world's largest Route 66 database! We have more than 700 motels, restaurants, items of interest listed in our search engine. All information was entered into our database by manually, so you won't find search results that are not related to Route 66 here. We have been around for many years, and we know how to help you search Route 66 the right way. Visit Route 66 Search before and during your next trip, and get your kicks on Route 66!