Route 66
The Route 66 Place
When you arrive at the Route 66 Place and Twisters Soda Fountain in Williams, Arizona, we want you to have one of the most memorable stops on your trip. We are sincerely happy to have you stop by our little store and we will treat you like most businesses did in the good old days. Please feel free to just kind of hang out and enjoy our continual 50s music, see our old cars, look around the greatest gift shop between Chicago and L.A.. Thanks very much for taking a break with us. The Pouquette Family.

Route 66 Search

Route 66 Search is the world's largest Route 66 database! We have more than 700 motels, restaurants, items of interest listed in our search engine. All information was entered into our database by manually, so you won't find search results that are not related to Route 66 here. We have been around for many years, and we know how to help you search Route 66 the right way. Visit Route 66 Search before and during your next trip, and get your kicks on Route 66!

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